Micetro is part of BlueCat's suite of flexible, secure, and automated network solutions. Gain visibility and control over your network.




Who we help.

We work with global enterprises, educational institutions, and governmental organizations to address effective management, visibility, control, automation and security of complex, heterogeneous IP infrastructure with API-driven DNS, DHCP and IPAM software solutions, consulting and training.

We help you leverage infrastructure investment, maximize uptime, and scale your network while integrating multi-faceted global environments into one centralized point of access.


Innovate and collaborate with the help of adaptive network services.

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Manufacturing and production

Reclaim business growth through sustainable network management.

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Learn to build future-proof dynamic networks on strong architectural flexibility.

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Keep your patients and personnel safe by maintaining a healthy network.

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Banking on automation: OeNB Group

By deploying and integrating Micetro with their existing infrastructure, the OeNB engineers improved scalability, added search functions and automatic error checking and more, while preserving the network environment and the OeNB system of management.

Migrating to Azure DNS: Fortune 500 company

With Micetro, this Fortune 500 enterprise company not only bulk migrated DNS zones into Azure DNS but also gained the ability to track changes, delegate access, see all zones across multiple subscriptions and manage the data through APIs.


DNS zones

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Transforming education: Texas Woman's University

Texas Woman's University, a major US higher education institution, uses Micetro to manage a highly mixed environment of Windows and Linux servers across multiple campuses. The solution is helping its network administrators significantly reduce user issues.



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Conflict resolution: HD Supply

Thanks to Micetro, HD Supply's Data Com team now publishes a master scope out to hundreds of devices, with the assurance of knowing each device is getting the same configuration. It protects the business from potentially catastrophic IT problems.


Locations in the US

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