Micetro is part of BlueCat's suite of flexible, secure, and automated network solutions. Gain visibility and control over your network.

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Men&Mice trademarks


A trademark can be a word, phrase, symbol, or design that distinguishes the source of the goods or services. A trademark also can be trade dress, and can protect the appearance of a product or its packaging, including size, shape, color, texture, graphics, and appearance (e.g, retail store or website).

Trademarks are valuable assets to Men&Mice. Men&Mice’s legal rights in and to its trademarks depend on using the trademarks consistently and correctly. Therefore, it is important that all licensees and permitted users abide by the Usage Guidelines below.

By using a Men&Mice trademark, you acknowledge that Men&Mice is the sole owner of the trademark, and you promise not to interfere with Men&Mice’s rights in the trademark. Except for the limited right to use the trademarks as expressly granted, no other rights of any kind are granted.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of Men&Mice’s unregistered and registered trademarks in the U.S., Iceland, and other jurisdictions.

Men&Mice: software, or consulting services Micetro: software

Usage Guidelines

  1. The Men&Mice trademark guidelines are to assist Men&Mice partners and other Men&Mice authorized licensees, resellers, distributors, and designated third parties in their use of trademarks owned by Men&Mice in promotional, advertising, instructional, reference materials, or on their web sites, products, labels, or packaging.
  2. In general, any use of the Men&Mice’s trademarks requires the prior written permission of Men&Mice.
  3. Trademarks should always be used as adjectives and in general should always be accompanied by the generic name of the product or services with which it is associated. An appropriate generic term must appear after the trademark the first time it appears in a printed piece, and as often as is reasonable after that.
  4. Trademarks may not be used as nouns or verbs.
  5. Trademarks may not be used in the plural or possessive form.
  6. Always spell and capitalize the trademarks exactly as they are shown. Do not shorten or abbreviate trademarks.
  7. You may not modify or alter a trademark.
  8. You may not use or register, in whole or in part, any trademark, or an alteration thereof, as or as part of a company name, trade name, product name, or service name.
  9. You may not use any trademark in a disparaging manner.
  10. You may not use any trademark in a manner that would imply Men&Mice’s affiliation with or endorsement, sponsorship, or support of a third party product or service.
  11. Trademarks should always be used with the correct form of notice of registration. The correct notice of registration to be used in association with the trademark depends on whether the mark is registered in the applicable jurisdiction. If it is not registered, the word “trademark” or “service mark” should be used in association with the trademarks, for example, “[trademark] is a trademark of Men&Mice.” If it is registered in the applicable jurisdiction, the symbol “®” may be placed adjacent to the trademark, or a statement should be included stating that “[trademark] is a registered trademark of Men&Mice”. If a publication will be used in multiple jurisdictions, the preferred language is “[trademark] is a trademark or a registered trademark of Men&Mice in the U.S., Iceland, and other jurisdictions”.
  12. Where a trademark is used more than once in a single display, the notice should be placed at the first or most prominent use of the trademark.

If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, please promptly send us an e-mail info@menandmice.com.