Network security: secure your DNS.
Bolster overall network security through smart, optimized alignment of your network infrastructure, rather than add-on security features.
Now is the time to think about your DNS security risks.
Network security is a hot topic. Security products are flooding the market, leaving network engineers reeling from an abundance of offerings. Yet including too many weapons in your network arsenal may end up being counterproductive – uncontrolled complexity and associated configuration issues and conflicts could leave your network weaker instead of stronger.
Greater network protection starts with the basics.
When your choice of defences gets too complex, strengthen your fundamental network security by keeping it simpler and better integrating existing layers for greater protection. Drill back down to the basics. Is your network architecture well-structured? Are all network components up to date? Are all built-in security features enabled and up to date? Bolstering your network foundation through smart, optimized alignment of your network infrastructure can contribute more to overall network security than most add-on security features.
Obscurity breeds vulnerability.
Dynamic IP infrastructure challenges require dynamic DDI solutions. Complex, multiplatform networks are a hotbed for human errors leading to configuration errors and component failures.
The more complex the network, the less visibility is traditionally assumed, leading to blindspots and a compounding risk factor that can ripple into expensive outages.
Micetro provides a single level of abstraction that builds automation to eliminate human error. When you remove high-risk platform complexities (such as incompatible APIs) it increases your visibility and control over your networks.
For network security, less is more.
Overly complex security can quickly turn against your intentions, and enable vulnerabilities to hide behind a confusing screen of procedure.
Integrating all pillars of DDI under the same orchestration platform, you gain visibility that quickly reveals security risks and inefficiencies without increasing the management overhead of your infrastructure.
Micetro takes full advantage of your existing authentication methods, making it easier to deploy and maintain access for users and teams. Administrators can rest easy knowing that security is well maintained.
“Fine-grained, centralized, access management allows network and security teams to collaborate freely, enhancing effective network security without stepping on each other’s toes.”
Safety through visibility and centralized delegation.
Men&Mice gives you the edge when it comes to visibility and insight into your network devices and operations. Building on the widest range of server and hosting platform support on the DDI market, Micetro by Men&Mice consolidates diverse data into one, comprehensive view for centralized management and delegation.
Fine-grained, centralized, access management allows network and security teams to collaborate freely, enhancing effective network security without stepping on each other’s toes.