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Men&Mice Web Service: REST API

Introduction to Men&Mice REST API

Men&Mice is expanding our web service offerings by adding a REST API web service to the existing SOAP/XML and JSON-RPC services.

This article serves as an introduction to the Men&Mice REST API, providing information on background, purpose and functionality.

What is REST?

REST, or more specifically Representational State Transfer, is often described as the language of the Internet. An architectural style for distributed hypermedia systems, REST was first introduced by Roy Fielding in his doctoral dissertation at UC Irvine in the year 2000.

Fielding’s experience as one of the principal authors of the HTTP specification led to his development of REST as a set of principles and constraints for communication between computers on the Internet. The six architectural constraints unique to REST are client-server separation, statelessness, cacheability, uniform interface, layered systems and code on demand – the latter being the only constraint that is optional.

According to Fielding, the purpose of creating REST was to simplify and enhance the distribution of data between systems. Given how widespread REST has become, it’s safe to say Fielding’s mission has been accomplished. Architectural properties affected by REST are performance, scalability, simplicity of a uniform interface, modifiability of components, visibility of communication between components, portability of components and reliability.

Since its introduction, REST has gained much popularity, likely due to its positive effect on architectural properties and its simplicity, both particularly critical in the era of exponential increases in cloud usage offerings. Today, the majority of new web services are designed as RESTful services instead of SOAP/XML, JSON-RPC, or other types of communications.

Why add a REST API to Micetro by Men&Mice?

Men&Mice web services in the form of SOAP/XML and JSON-RPC provide an extensive set of commands to configure and control all aspects of the Men&Mice Suite. However, REST has become the first choice of communication for web service applications. By making use of a stateless protocol, RESTful services exhibit particularly fast performance, reliability and scalability. Additionally, REST’s simplicity generally makes it easier for users to get started and engage with the service.

The greatest difference for users between SOAP and REST is that SOAP as a standards-based web service access protocol is more rigid in execution, whereas REST as a resource-based web service provides greater flexibility. In most cases, a user will only need a browser or a simple command line tool such as cURL to access data from a RESTful web service.

How does the Men&Mice REST API work?

In REST, the focus is on resources. You specify a resource with a URL (Uniform Resource Location) and then apply an operation on the resource using an HTTP method.

The Men&Mice REST API supports the four most common HTTP methods: GET, PUT, POST and DELETE.

GET – Retrieve a resource (read)
PUT – Modify an existing resource (update)
POST – Add a new resource (create)
DELETE – Remove a resource (delete)

The resources or the objects found in Micetro are:


An example of a URL referring to a DNS zone would be:


To get all the zones defined in the Men&Mice Suite you would use HTTP GET:

GET http://mmsuite.company.com/mmws/api/DNSZones

To get a specified zone, e.g. test.menandmice.com, you would also use HTTP GET, but with a reference to the specific zone:

GET http://mmsuite.company.com/mmws/api/DNSZones/test.menandmice.com.

The Men&Mice REST API understands two types of content: JSON and XML. The content type of the response will depend on the type of content in the request. If there is no content in the body of the request, the web service will check for a clue in the HTTP header fields “Content-Type” and “Accept”. If either of the fields exist and contain “application/json”, it will return a JSON formatted response. If either of the fields exist and contain “application/xml” or “application/soap+xml”, it will return an XML formatted response. If no clues can be found, it will select JSON as the response format.

It’s also possible to mix these two content types during the same session and the web service will simply respond with JSON if this was a JSON request, or XML if the content type detected was XML. To get a full list of supported REST command and how to use them enter http://mmsuite.company.com/mmws/api/doc/ in your browser. If the web services is correctly set up you should get a Swagger definition of all commands. For more information regarding Swagger see: https://swagger.io/

The Men&Mice REST API is built on the same code base as both SOAP/XML and JSON-RPC. However, some of the commands you will see in SOAP/XML and JSON-RPC are not a part of the REST API. The reason for this is that in REST, the focus is on resources, not commands. You can, however, execute all the commands found in SOAP/XML and JSON-RPC using the URL: api/command/<command>.

For example, to get all orphan DNS records found in your Micetro, you can say:

GET http://mmsuite.company.com/mmws/api/command/GetOrphanReverseDNSRecords

Orphan DNS records are PTR records where the corresponding A/AAAA record is missing.

For possible commands, please refer to the Men&Mice SOAP reference manual.


The Men&Mice REST API supports many arguments that can be added to the URL. For example, when getting zones you can say:

GET http://mmsuite.company.com/mmws/api/DNSZones?limit=2&pretty=true

This would return to you a list of zones in Micetro. At the most two lists would be returned, with the output made easier to read by adding lines and spaces.

There are a few arguments that are always available, no matter what resource you are referring to:

* pretty – If set to ‘true’ it will make the response more readable.

* server – Name or address of a Men&Mice Central server to connect to

* loginName – The name of the user who wants to log in

* password – The password for the user

* session – An ID of a valid session

These arguments are only optional. You don’t need to use arguments to log on to a server. The Men&Mice REST API offers different types of authentication, such as Basic Authentication, Windows NTLM and Kerberos. Note that in order for a user to be able to use the REST web service, the user has to have the applicable permission to use the web user interface.

There are some arguments that you can provide in many cases when using the HTTP GET method:

* filter – Filtering criteria for the result returned

* offset – Specifies the offset to use when listing the results. A value of 0 starts with the first result.

* limit – The maximum number of results to return

* sortBy – The name of the field to sort by

* sortOrder – The sort order to use

When adding, or changing a resource, you will need to provide some data. In most cases the data will be provided as a body of the HTTP request. Data can also be provided as an argument. The server will understand that you are providing something that should be a part of the data.

For example, when adding a DNS record, instead of providing a body with the HTTP method POST, you can say instead:

POST http://mmsuite.company.com/mmws/api/DNSZones/test.menandmice.com./DNSRecords?dnsRecord={ “name”: “restest”, “type”: “A”, “data”: “”}

Filter arguments

The filter is a powerful argument that can be provided with many of the get methods. It allows you to limit the result to only those items you want to retrieve. You can use different kinds of operators, wildcards and regular expressions in a filter.

As of version 9.1 a new, highly optimised and user friendly, filter syntax was added. Before that version, Micetro had a filter syntax that mainly focused on regular expressions and only had a limited set of operators (i.e. metric operators >, =, <). Using operators can come really handy when you are trying to limit your result on properties rather then plain strings. Even though the new filter syntax has been introduced, the old filter syntax can still be used for backwards compatibility.

Some examples of how the filters can be used:

Return all items that contain the string “mycorp” in any properties:


Return all A records containing the string “rec” in it’s name:

type=A AND name=@rec

Return all records with the name “rec” and of type A, AAAA or CNAME:

name=rec AND (type=A OR type=CNAME OR type=TXT)

The in operator can be used as well to get the same result:

name=rec AND type in(A,CNAME,TXT)

To get all IP address in the range –

from >= AND to <=

To get all ranges created in the last month use:

created <= -1M

For more information regarding filters please refer to the Micetro Documentation.

Men&Mice REST API in action – examples

Several great tools are available for working with web services, such as Postman and cURL.

Postman is highly recommended, especially for those interested in testing web services. Postman allows the testing of requests, after which it can be asked to generate code snippets for that request in different programming languages.

cURL is a popular command line tool that is available on most platforms. It is installed by default on most Unix flavors. For Windows, it can be downloaded from https://curl.haxx.se

cURLl can be handy when you want to export data or combine data with simple scripts. The examples on the following pages were created by trying out the REST API using cURL.

For these examples, let’s assume that our web service is running on the server mmsuite.company.com, our user name is “john” and our password is “secret”.

$ curl --user john:secret -X GET http://mmsuite.company.com/mmws/api/DNSServers

   "result": {
       "dnsServers": [
           "ref": "DNSServers/3",
           "name": "a-win2008r2.mmsuite.company.com.",
           "resolvedAddress": "",
           "port": 1337,
           "type": "MS",
           "state": "OK",
           "customProperties": {},
           "subtype": "Win2008",
           "enabled": true
       "totalResults": 1

Since we didn’t provide any information about what kind of content type we wanted, the server responded with JSON output. If we want to get the result back in XML format, we can simply add the XML “Content-Type”.

$ curl --user john:secret --header "Content-Type: application/xml" -X GET http://mmsuite.company.com/mmws/api/DNSServers


Now let’s try to use filters and get a list of all reverse zones in Micetro.

$ curl --user john:secret -X GET "http://mmsuite.company.com/mmws/api/DNSZones?filter=name=\$in-addr.arpa.&pretty=true"

    "result": {
        "dnsZones": [
                "adIntegrated": false,
                "authority": "a-win2008r2.remote.mm.lab.",
                "customProperties": {},
                "dnsViewRef": "DNSViews/3",
                "dnssecSigned": false,
                "dynamic": false,
                "kskIDs": "",
                "name": "1.5.2.in-addr.arpa.",
                "ref": "DNSZones/10",
                "type": "Slave",
                "zskIDs": ""
                "adIntegrated": false,
                "authority": "a-win2008r2.remote.mm.lab.",
                "customProperties": {},
                "dnsViewRef": "DNSViews/3",
                "dnssecSigned": false,
                "dynamic": false,
                "kskIDs": "",
                "name": "10.in-addr.arpa.",
                "ref": "DNSZones/11",
                "type": "Slave",
                "zskIDs": ""
        "totalResults": 2

Notice the quotation marks around the URL and the arguments. The reason for this is that we are using characters such as “&” that might confuse the command line. By putting quotation marks around it, we are saying that everything inside the quote is a part of the data and should not be interpreted in a different way.

Here is another great example of how powerful the filters are. Let’s find all A records starting with “vm” in the zone dev.lab.

$ curl --user john:secret -X GET "http://mmsuite.company.com/mmws/api/DNSZones/dev.lab./DNSRecords?filter=type=A AND name=^vm&pretty=true"

    "result": {
        "dnsRecords": [
                "comment": "",
                "data": "",
                "dnsZoneRef": "DNSZones/20",
                "enabled": true,
                "name": "vm-1",
                "ref": "DNSRecords/374",
                "ttl": "",
                "type": "A"
                "comment": "",
                "data": "",
                "dnsZoneRef": "DNSZones/20",
                "enabled": true,
                "name": "vm-1",
                "ref": "DNSRecords/376",
                "ttl": "",
                "type": "A"
                "comment": "",
                "data": "",
                "dnsZoneRef": "DNSZones/20",
                "enabled": true,
                "name": "vm-1",
                "ref": "DNSRecords/377",
                "ttl": "",
                "type": "A"
        "totalResults": 3

Note that all of the GET commands can be executed in a simple browser. When you enter a URL in a browser, it will send an HTTP GET command to the server you are referring to. This can become handy if you don’t have cURL installed. You can try this by opening a browser, entering the address of your Men&Mice Web Server and appropriating a REST resource, e.g.

 http://menandmice.com mmws/mmws/api/DNSZones&pretty=true

If your Men&Mice web service is configured to allow Basic Authentication or Windows Authentication (NTLM or Kerberos), it will prompt you for a user name and password.

Scripts or programming languages

Now what about scripts or programming languages? Because, as mentioned earlier, REST is the simplest and most popular choice when creating a web service, it is usually well supported in all languages. As an example, let’s look at how we would list out all records in a reverse zone that are suspicious. A reverse zone usually only contains NS and PTR records. Other record types are allowed, but usually don’t appear there.

We wrote this script using Python. Python is a great scripting language and well-suited to smaller scripts, especially when dealing with JSON and strings. It is a pretty comprehensive language, yet there are plenty of additional libraries to be explored, if one should need something more.

From Python 3 onwards you can use the http.client library to create a REST request. Bear in mind that Python 2.7, however, does not include the http.client library. Since we will be using Python 2.7, we will be using the requests library which is not a part of the standard installation. For information on how to install the requests library, see http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/

#!/usr/bin/env python
# restDemo.py – list all suspicious records found in
# reverse zones
import requests
username = 'john'
password = 'secret'
headers = {'content-type':'application/json'}
url = 'http://mmsuite.company.com/mmws/api/'
params= {'filter' : 'name=$in-addr.arpa.'}

sess = requests.Session()
resp = sess.get(url + 'DNSZones', params=params, auth=(username, password), headers=headers)
# resp should now contain a list of all reverse zone

if resp.ok:
    for zone in resp.json()['result']['dnsZones']:
        print 'checking zone: ' + zone['name']
        # for each zone get all the records
        resp = sess.get(url + zone['ref'] + '/DNSRecords', auth=(username, password), headers=headers)
        if resp.ok:
            for rec in resp.json()['result']['dnsRecords']:
                if rec['type'] not in ['SOA', 'NS', 'PTR']:
                    print '\t!!!\t' + rec['name'] + '\t' + rec['type'] + '\t' + rec['data']

The output resulting from the script is illustrated in the next box.

$ ./restDemo.py
checking zone: 1.5.2.in-addr.arpa.
checking zone: 10.in-addr.arpa.
checking zone: 137.168.192.in-addr.arpa.
checking zone: 4.6.2.in-addr.arpa.
checking zone: 49.10.in-addr.arpa.
checking zone: 7.3.2.in-addr.arpa.
checking zone: 2.2.63.in-addr.arpa.
!!!   jonas TXT   test

The script found 7 reverse zones. One of them contained a TXT record which we consider suspicious.

And just for fun, because we love those filters, we could have used them to retrieve only the records that are not of the type SOA, NS and PTR. So the last part of our Python script could have been written like this:

        print 'checking zone: ' + zone['name']
        params= {'filter' : 'type in (SOA,NS,PTR)'}
        # for each zone get all the records, only get records of
        # all types other then SOA, NS or PTR
        resp = sess.get(url + zone['ref'] + '/DNSRecords', params=params, auth=(username, password), headers=headers)
        if resp.ok:
            for rec in resp.json()['result']['dnsRecords']:
                print '\t!!!\t' + rec['name'] + '\t' + rec['type'] + '\t' + rec['data']

Writing the script this way leads to less traffic and less load, which can make a difference if the reverse zones are large.

When creating scripts, it is best to create a new, dedicated user account that only has access to the objects the script needs to function. If you are running Microsoft Windows in an AD environment, the web service can also be configured to allow single sign-on.

Men&Mice REST API: Summary

The primary focus of the Men&Mice development team has always been to simplify the complex task of administering a DDI environment, while retaining network flexibility and maintaining speed, as different network environments and different types of users have very different needs. To achieve this flexibility, our mission has been, and continues to be, developing and providing a rich set of commands, combined with easy user access through a web service interface.

Extending Micetro to include a REST API creates a powerful additional tool for users. With the Men&Mice REST API, users gain easier access to data in Micetro, as well as the means to process it according to their particular needs. The Men&Mice REST API therefore extends the range of tools with which customers can create workflows, write handy scripts to import and export data or generally just develop customized ways to lighten the load of administering the often complex, but vital, daily tasks existing in our technical lives.