Arriving third, Stubby (Stúfur) is abnormally short and steals pans to eat the crust left on them.
Dec 14th, 2015
Arriving third, Stubby (Stúfur) is abnormally short and steals pans to eat the crust left on them.
I don’t know why everyone calls Mother a “monster”. She never bugs me. On the other hand, she also often forgets to feed me. I’m beginning to think it’s because she has a hard time seeing me, what with her glaucoma and my … size.
I’m not exactly what you’d call highly visible. Some nice people might describe me as “vertically challenged”. My not-so-nice brothers just call me a short s_ _ t. And then they steal my dinner.
I’m getting right sick of them picking on me because I’m short. Short can be good too. For instance, I never hit my head against beams and I can easily hide under a bunch of teddy bears when I’m delivering presents. In fact, I’m so short, I can let the toilet double up as a bath if needed!
“Short” has a lot of advantages. For example, when we’re messing around in the Men&Mice Suite, I can easily get a short, sweet DNS lookup answer by using the +short option. Just enter
dig +short.
I’ve had so much fun doing that, I’ve even added my own. You can have a go if you like!
dig TXT +short
Ha ha! Bet those not-so-short barbarian brothers of mine don’t know how to do that! Wonder if I should tell them? Nah, maybe next Christmas.