The new Workflow module is an important step in delivering streamlined network management experience to the enterprise.
Mar 13th, 2019
A common organizational bottleneck and security conflict exists between the users’ need for autonomy and the network administrators’ responsibility towards network health and security.
The Men&Mice Workflow Module add-on, available from version 9.2 of the Men&Mice Suite, is designed to resolve this painful organizational inefficiency and common security challenge.
With the Workflow Module, network administrators can gain greater control and transparency over changes within their DNS infrastructure through an efficient queue of requests and approvals for DNS tasks.
The Workflow Module allows all users to make DNS changes like
To preserve the user’s need for autonomy, and resolve it with respect to network security, changes are not applied directly, but a request is created instead. Users can review their pending requests in the Web Application, and revoke them if they change their mind.
In the same interface, users with administrative permissions can view all submitted DNS change requests, and approve or reject them individually or in bulk. Changes can be set to propagate immediately or be scheduled later, at a more suitable time. (Such as when network load is minimal, to avoid issues like caching.)
Through this streamlined process, users can set up DNS changes ranging from small and singular to wide and sweeping, without having to wait. The approval process ensures that only those with the appropriate privileges can process the changes, in a fast and efficient manner. User autonomy and administrator responsibilities that, for a large part, seemed mutually exclusive before can now serve to augment each other’s work.
Combined with other features of the Men&Mice Suite, such as xDNS Redundancy™, the Workflow Module enhances security and boosts network resilience, while simplifying processes and increasing organizational efficiency.
Take a look at the following video to see the Workflow Module in action:
The Men&Mice Suite helps to make complex enterprise IP infrastructure management, across hybrid and multicloud environments, as elegantly simple and quietly robust as customer-grade technology — but on an enterprise-grade scale.
The new Workflow module is an important step in delivering that streamlined network management experience to the enterprise. Extendable in future versions with further functionality, it builds on the compatibility across all major cloud and on-prem DNS platforms that has been a core advantage of the Men&Mice Suite since the beginning.
You can try version 9.2 of the Men&Mice Suite by clicking the button below or grab it directly from the Azure Marketplace. The new Workflow module is part of the Men&Mice Web Application and can be licensed as an add-on to versions of Men&Mice Suite v9.2 or beyond.