What does a great network team need to run a great network?
Jul 22nd, 2016
Did you have a look in the mirror this morning? Hair, face, teeth, lips, cheeks, clothes and other observable bits of body. Everything in the right place, relatively clean and looking as it should?
Regardless of what we see (or want to see), most of us spend quite a bit of time checking our appearance in a mirror. Few of us, however, get to shine a daily mirror on the parts of the body we don’t see. Our brains, hearts, lungs, intestines, bones, kidneys, veins and all those other critical bits and pieces remain largely unobserved under the human camouflage of skin and hair. Yet, much more than the appeal (or not) of our outer appearances, it is our insides that determine how well our bodies really function.
In many ways, networks and network activity are just like the inner workings of the human body: unseen and, unless something goes wrong, most often unnoticed. Billions of people use computer networks and the legion of devices connected to it in the same way we use our bodies. Few have any awareness of what’s inside or how it all functions. Fewer still consider the three critical components underlying network connectivity - the triad of DNS, DHCP and IP Address Management (DDI).
Just like doctors of internal medicine manage the unseen, but crucial, inner health of our bodies, network teams manage this unseen, but crucial, inner DDI health of a successful modern organization’s network. As a result, smart investments in a great network team can play a decisive role in business success.
But what does a great network team need to run a great network? In this new white paper, DDI specialists Men&Mice delve into how a comprehensive DNS, DHCP and IP Address Management solution can boost a network team’s productivity, performance and general well-being, thereby greatly enhancing network security and elevating business efficiency.
Topics explored include;
To find out whether great network teams need great DDI solutions, download your free copy of this Men&Mice white paper today.