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Feb 11th, 2020
The DNS training courses, jointly conducted with Men&Mice and ISC (the Internet Systems Consortium, developers of DNS server BIND and DHCP software ISC DHCP and Kea) are continuing full steam ahead in 2020.
The program has been running for over 20 years and has helped thousands of students to learn the principles of DNS and BIND since 1999. Practical, hands-on course material and lab activities guide participants through IP infrastructure technologies from the basics of DNS to advanced topics such as DNSSEC, IPv6, and KEA DHCP.
“The most helpful aspects for me to date were the DNS & BIND classes. They directly related to the work I had just been assigned.” (Michelle Boyd, Systems Engineer, Southwest Airlines)
Men&Mice has built these courses on a strong foundation of decades of experience since the inception of DNS and is constantly updating the curriculum to stay on top of advancements in technology.
Learn the secrets of DNS, BIND, Kea, and dive into topics like DNS Cookies, Response Policy Zones (RPZ), Response Rate Limiting (RRL), and DNSTAP at one of the public courses, or arrange private, on-site training for your team.
Upcoming courses for ‘DNS & BIND WEEK’:
For each course of the 5-day ‘DNS & BIND Week’ you can also opt for the shorter ‘DNS & BIND Fundamentals’ (3 days), and ‘DNS & BIND Advanced' (2 days) registration.
All courses are accepting registrations. See for a complete list of dates and course descriptions.
“I was very impressed with everything about Men&Mice. The communication, the facilities, the instructor, the material… everything!!!”