The most recent version of Micetro is always available as a Free Trial or full Micetro solution on the Azure Marketplace
Dec 1st, 2022
We get a lot of questions about being able to deploy Micetro from the cloud, and we're happy to tell you that this is entirely possible with Azure today!
In order to deploy Micetro from the Azure, you'll need to have an Azure account created already. You can create a free tier account or perhaps use what you've already got setup for your company.
A Free Trial or Proof of Concept version of Micetro won't require many cloud resources, even the smallest t-shirt size available will do. However, if you're looking for a larger deployment, it's best to check the documentation.
If you'd prefer to watch the video of this deployment you can see that here:
1. Log on to Azure and go to the Marketplace.
2. In the search field type Micetro and select Micetro by Men&Mice
3. Click on the Create button
Basics Tab
4. Select the subscription account you’ll be using
5. Then select a Resource Group or create a new Resource Group by clicking on Create New
a. If you are creating a new RG then you only need to give it a name
6. Select the Region that works for your deployment
7. Click Next
Virtual Machine Tab
8. Choose the Operating System, Windows Server 2019
9. Either accept the default virtual machine size or change the size
a. For a Free Trial or Proof of Concept deployment, the smallest size will work (1 vCPU, 2 GB of RAM). For much larger enterprise deployments, you may need to select up to 16 vCPUs and 16GB of RAM.
10. Select a Diagnostic Storage Account or Create a new one using Blob Storage with LRS (Locally Redundant Storage)
11. Choose a Username and Password
a. This is the username and password for the server itself, not for Micetro
Networking Tab
12. You can accept the defaults here, but choose the Virtual Networks and Subnets that make sense for your environment.
13. Choose to Allow access for the Web UI and Management console
14. Accept the defaults or choose your own Public IP and DNS Prefix. This will all be mostly up to your Azure setup, but you’ll need to be able to access this information if you’d like to get to the Web UI from a local laptop. If you want a static public IP, you’ll need to specify your own here.
Database Configuration Tab
The version of Micetro from Azure Marketplace comes embedded with Azure SQL
15. Specify a Username and Password for Azure SQL.
a. This is a brand new username and password you’re creating now, not one that you already have configured.
16. Choose the edition to use, Standard will work for a Free Trial or Proof of Concept. It may even work for production depending on the level of redundancy you’d like to achieve.
Active Directory Tab
17. If you’d like to join an Active Directory Domain you can do so here by entering the valid admin and service account information.
a. Click Yes to Join the Virtual Machine to AD
b. Click No to leave the VM out of AD
Review and Create Tab
18. Once the validation has passed click Create and wait for the Deployment to Complete
1. Click on the Resource Group Link and the click on the new MenandMiceVM which was just created.
2. In the MenandMiceVM dashboard there will be a Public IP Address in the upper right. Copy that IP address and then paste it in your browser.
a. At the login page input the server FQDN or IP address
b. Default Username: administrator
c. Default Password: administrator
d. Click on “Log In”
3. Import Licenses
a. Click on Admin >> Configuration
b. Click on Licensing on the left-side menu
c. Copy the keys from the email that was sent to you for the Free Trial and paste them directly into the Import License Keys area.
d. Click on +Import
The Micetro VM from Azure Marketplace is licensed a bit differently than our other Free Trials in that it automatically creates a 30 day license for you. If you need more time, just reach out to for a license extension, though!
If you need help with your Micetro deployment, just reach out!