Micetro is part of BlueCat's suite of flexible, secure, and automated network solutions. Gain visibility and control over your network.


Amper Talks Live - DNS, DHCP, IPAM Overlay and Ochestration Demo

Watch it live on May 5th at 4.00pm (GMT) - 11.00am (CT) - 12.00pm (ET)


Live Demo of Micetro

Join Lauren Malhoit on Amper Talks Live as we show you our DNS, DHCP, IPAM Overlay and Ochestration solution. Micetro.

Valuable features

Amongst other things, learn how you can manage your entire DNS, DHCP, and IPAM environment all from one place using the GUI or APIs, finally stop the endless cycle of rip-and-replace network management projects, and provide unified role-based access control to all your users no matter where your workloads or users reside.

Join for free

Join us LIVE on May 5th at 4:00 PM (GMT) - 11.00am (CT) - 12.00pm (ET). Sign up using the form below. Once you have signed up we will send you an invitation link to your email. We look forward to having you there with us!

Sign Up Here